Defining administrative relationships between the brands operated by a conglomerate.
Contact and Collaboration
The Domain Relationship Policy Framework (DRPF) evolved through a series of informal conversations with folks working on Internet standards. Now that it is more than an just an idea bantered around in Bar BoFs (i.e. unofficial side chats at IETF meetings, often at a local bar), there's enough meat on the bones to hold its shape. We're publishing the DRPF concept here as we prepare to contribute the work to various standardization organizations. Versions and derivatives of the DRPF model are intended to be submitted to the IETF for broader discussion and potential standardization while some aspects of the model may be formalized, published, and/or standardized in other organizations or by ad-hoc committees.
Until the work has been submitted to the appropriate organizations for discussion, feel free to send us your questions and comments. As this is currently an ad-hoc collaboration, though, please be mindful that all contributions must allow the DRPF to become a freely available Internet standard (e.g. your contributions to the discussion must be compatible with the IETF Note Well).