The Collaborators

Image 1

Trying to look important.

Image 2

How our kids see us.

Image 3

How we look in mass media.

Image 4

What we think of ourselves.

The DRFP was initially proposed in 2021, informed by previous attempts to chase related solutions going back more than a decade. An initial whitepaper describing the DRPF was published with a CC-BY license to enable the work to evolve. Since then it has gathered momentum as folks have seen how the simple extensibility of the model could support innumerable use cases. What started as informal conversations between industry colleagues has grown into a loose collaboration to more thoroughly flesh out the idea. As the conceptual model comes into focus, the time has come to share the work more broadly on the road toward submitting a draft for consideration by the IETF.

  • And just for fun, here's what MidJourney imagines the collaborators look like from various points of view.